For SMEs in Machine Tool Industry, Auto Industry, Steel & Metal Industry & Foundries Precision Toolmakers, Die makers Pattern Makers,Plastic Induction Moulders, Pipe Joints, Electronic Parts, Prototype Makers Product Developers, Design Consultants, Architects, Product Designers, Interior Designers

1. Subsidized 3D Printing Services For Your Designs/Prototypes
2. Unlimited Design Consultation From 3D Printing Perspective
3. Availability Of Wide Choice Of 3D Printing Material – Including Nylon,Carbon, PLA, ABS Etc. Enquire Staff For More New Materials Coming Soon
4. Networking With Other 3D Designers
5. Corporates Gift Making With Company Logo/Individual Photo Frames
6. Easy & Efficient Shipment
7. Friendly Staff Interaction
8. Special Access To Our 3D Printers At Our Printing Studios And Print/Designrelated Workshops/Exhibitions
9. No Capital Expenses, Full Revenue Expenses Avail Discount On Purchase
10. Accepts All .STL & .OBJ FIle Formats
3D Printing Corporate Plan @ Rs 6000/ Rs 5,200/month+GST
In addition to above Common Benefits
● Includes 60 Credit Hours Per Month Printing in PLA/ABS/TPU- any color/type – material/filament FREE
● Special rate of Rs 20/gm for printing in Special material like Nylon/Carbon/PC-ABS/HIPS
● Additional Printing Credits at Flat rate of Rs 40/hour (60% OFF)
● Annual one time payment 20% OFF – Rs 49,920/- + GST
3D Printing SUPER Corporate Plan @ Rs 10000/ Rs 8,500/month+GST
In addition to above Common Benefits
● Includes 100 Credit Hours Per Month Printing in PLA/ABS/TPU- any color/type -material/filament FREE
● Annual 1 Day 3D Printing Workshop at your Campus/Office
● Special rate of Rs 20/gm for printing in Special material like Nylon/Carbon/PC-ABS/HIPS
● Additional Printing Credits at Flat rate of Rs 40/hour (60% OFF)
● Printing Credits Roll Over for maximum three months
● Annual one time payment 20% OFF – Rs 81,600/- + GST
Details : Contact 99 99 107 619 / 995 801 1150 // mb@nitnui.com
Terms and Conditions :
1) Item Can be collected from Nitnui 3D Printing Studio free of Cost. Courier/Shipment charges extra
2) UNUSED Credit Hours of ONLY previous month can be rolled over tonext consecutive month. Other previous months Unused Credit Hoursstands cancelled automatically.
3) Minimum 72 hours advance printing notice to be given. Printing onshort notice can be done subject to availability of 3D Printing Slots
4) Overnight printing charges shall be Extra
5) While Nitnui 3D Printing Team shall work to advise best andappropriately, it shall not be responsible for any poor designing ormalfunctions of the design given or asked to be made by the client
6) The Plans are for only 3D Printing and Not Designing. 3D Designingcharges shall be extra and case to case basis. Free File Analysis and Material Consultation can be provided
7) Decision of the Client to go ahead with the printing shall be final. Oncethe printing starts, it cannot be stopped and the hours shall be deducted from the CREDIT Hours in your plan
8) There is a Joining Fee of One Month Subscription which shall berefunded or adjusted at the end of the twelve month of the plan
9) Payment due on every month shall be made within 3 Days ofSubscription Calendar Month (SCM) gets over. Non Payment of dues shallby this date shall Imply Non-Continuation of the Plan and AutomaticCancellation with no Pending 3D Printing Credit Hours. In this case,
Joining Fee cannot be adjusted or refunded in the 12th month. Client needs to register again with the New Joining Fee
10) Basic Size Customization with Client suggestion/Advice at our Studiowill be Free of Cost. Nitnui 3D Printing Team shall not be responsible forany Miscommunication or remote suggestions on design edits
11) Subscription Calendar Month (SCM) starts next day from the date ofpayment. 3D Printing files can be assessed only from then. Nitnui 3DPrinting Team is under no obligation to Analyze 3D Printing Files beforethis date. Example: You pay on 12th of January, then your SCM shall beginfrom 13 January and gets over by 12th February. 3D Printing File analysisand 3D Printing shall start from 13 January only and with minimum 72 working hours notice to make a final print.
12) Nitnui 3D Printing Team is not responsible for any delay, loss or damage to your product during delivery/shipment.
13) There shall be no 3D printing on Sundays, 26 January, 15th August,2nd October, 31st December, Diwali, Holi and other Statuatory Holidays in the state of Delhi.
14) Free Upgradation: Client can upgrade to a higher plan FREE OF COSTwithout any change in the JOINING FEE. Client can also downgrade to alower plan FREE OF COST but the Inital Joining Fee can be refunded oradjusted only on 12th Month. This Upgrade or Downgrade is possible onlywhen Cleint Intimates in writing/email minimum 14 days in advance and comes into effect from start of new SCM.
15) Colour and Material Choice : Nitnui 3D Printing Team cannotguarantee a particular colour or a material at a given point in time. Teamwill try its best but shall be under no obligation to print on a particularcolour. All decisions will depend on availability of stock before 3D printing starts.